Sunday, May 4, 2014

Our time abroad khalas (finished) :-( New information for expats!!!

My, where oh where have the years gone?!?!?!
SO much has happened since December 201l that I can't possibly recap on it all.

Our adventure in Saudi Arabia was one that can never be matched in any way as we received so many blessings on both personal and family levels.  The level of enlightenment I feel is something that could have never been taught to me, only experienced.  Sure adapting to a new culture was hard and we all struggled in different ways but how much we've learned, come to appreciate and value, is simply immeasurable.  I can say without hesitation that Saudi Arabia changed me to the core.

In February of this year, our youngest child became quite ill.  Doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her and rather than referring to someone who could maybe help or just admitting her condition was well beyond their realm, they tried one treatment after another that failed.  Her condition became progressively worse to the point I sat next to her all night while she slept because I feared for her life.  We begged several doctors/hospitals in the region to admit her but they all sent her away with a different treatment.

Finally, after reserving plane tickets to get her home I asked my husband to try just one more time at a nearby hospital.  She was nowhere near stable enough to travel 30+ hours.  The doctors looked at her and were shocked by her condition.  She was finally admitted.  The IV's with antibiotics, immunoglobulins, and fluids seemed bring her back to life.  However, she was still far from better (according to her blood panels) yet released.  She immediately began to regress upon leaving the hospital.  After our daughters hospitalization, near kidney failure, and somewhat stabilization we had no choice but to abandon the medical system there and return to the states.

Aivah and I left just two days after her release from the hospital.  Thank God, since having her treated by various specialists here in the states her condition has improved however, new problems have arose from the negligent care she received abroad, organ damage.
Her condition is much like a roller coaster in that it is up and down constantly.  When we think she is improving she will suddenly have a bad turn.

Because she is not stable and cannot be properly treated in our area abroad, we've decided that it is just best for us all to return home.  After one month of being separated from the rest of my children, they are finally home in USA with me and their sister.  My husband is still working in SA but is actively looking for work to bring him home.

I am still an active resource for expats moving to Saudi Arabia and their families!!!!

Especially, those who are being assigned to the Nassim Compound.  I have created a social networking site specifically for them.  We know that many companies are actively recruiting and our compound in particular will soon be expanding more than it has in over a decade.  I remember all too well the fear of the unknown, the many unanswered or half answered questions I had, I remember trying to visualize our compound, I remember worrying about our children's education.... I remember being just like many of you.  The extensive amount of research I have done, experiences I have had, and the neutral and unbiased standpoints I have established between cultures makes me excited to share and help those starting their journeys.   I love sharing what I have learned and helping others so they can better understand what to expect and transition to the culture!  This being said, I am here to help!

The social networking site is **specifically** for Nassim Compound expats and their families, sorry!  For those of you heading to Nassim Compound find us at
We do screen members to prevent spam or security issues.

------> For those of you coming to different KSA compound, potential KSA expats, or those who are just generally curious, I am more than happy to chat with you and help out however I can.  Just reply to the blog post or send me an email via this blog.