Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Out On The Town- The Ooh's and Ahh's

FINALLY, a little bit of out time for momma!  Today we got out of the house for a little bit to do run some errands.  I am so use to getting up and going when I want to that I have started to go a little stir-crazy sitting at home.  We planned ahead by checking into what time the next prayers session was going to take place then we headed out.

We took Jarryd our 3 year-old and Collin our 5 year-old with us because it had been quite a while since they got to go for a drive.  Because we had arrived quite a bit sooner than expected we arrived right after stores had locked their doors.  So we went into the mall next door and window shopped.  I found it kind of eerie being in an empty mall during the middle of the day.  Back home at that time our malls would have been jammed packed.  Anyway, the boys needed to go potty so I thought to myself, "I'll give 'er the ol' college try..." and I set out to the women's restroom.  When I opened the door the smell hit me and I turned right back around and left.  Then I thought to myself, "I wonder if they have the classic Saudi toilets here..."  I knew if they did it would make for a great picture hahaha (the things I do to tell a story right?)  So I got my camera phone out, held my breath and I went back in. I rushed to the first stall and moved the door open with my foot as I pinched my nose with one hand and held the camera with my other.  THERE IT WAS, THE "BOMBS AWAY POTTY"!!!  I snapped my picture and got the heck out of there.  It was a crude mission but I prevailed.

 Now keep in mind... This here is a very nice toilet compared to the "original" version where you squat over a hole.  You can still find them around places like the airport, gas stations, and so on.  As you see there is no toilet paper, however, there is a hose... use your imagination :-)  Another thing that happens with these toilets is often after prayer time it is commonly practiced (not sure why but am looking into it) they clean their feet with water.  Often times these toilets and the surrounding floor are drenched in water from their foot baths.  I'll stick to a baby wipe for now...

So finally prayer time is over and the shops open back up.  Collin and Jarryd want an ice-cream SO we get a small snack and their yums from McDonnald's.  I start looking around for a garbage can... Okay, no garbage can in the food court.  I look at some of the tables and they are covered in garbage.  As it turns out, here in Saudi you leave your trash on the table and there are people who clean up after you.  I felt HORRIBLE leaving my trash for others.  We put our trash with another tables just so they wouldn't have that one extra table to tend to... sigh.

This was just one of many tables cover in garbage.  They do keep the mall clean it is just hard to make others pick up after you.

After we ditched our garbage on a random table I started looking around in the mall and I noticed something new... Something with not quite as much pizzaz back in the States yet it was looking rather scrumptious here.  CORN, no NOT popcorn, but whole kernel, almost canned corn looking. Now, I don't know about you but this big cup of corn is looking jazzy to me.  I'll help spread the good word!
Is there something special about THIS particular corn?  Who knows?  I'll have to give it a whirl one of these days!

Now moving on in our walkabout we next visited a Toys R Us.  WOWZA!  Now that is exciting right?  No, it really isn't.  These toys were horribly over priced.  I can get a pack of Hot Wheels cars from Walmart (in the States) for what... $5 bucks?  Over here they must shoot fire or something cool because for that same little pack of Hot Wheels cars they wanted nearly $20 dollars.  Yes, that is the USD conversion from Saudi Riyal currency.  So I scoffed... Yes, it's true, I scoffed then I walked on to the swimming stuff.  Oh yeah baby!  FINALLY, I can take the kids to the pool IF I can get them some proper flotation devices.
WARNING:  Those who are feminist might find these pictures to be jaw dropping.  Those who are not feminist might become so by observing the following pictures.  HAHA enjoy!

This is a swimming pool BOX.  Yes, the outside covers of ALL swimming products showing women in bathing suits are blacked out with a marker or pen!!!!!  However, I could be mistaken... Perhaps this means you get a free demon with every pool purchase?

I almost need counseling over this one... CREEPY...


Alright... Who couldn't wait to get to the restroom???

After we made our unbiased purchases from Toys R Us we finished up our To-Do's and made our final stop at Makboos Chicken and Rice.  Now this place is freaking YUMMY!  I couldn't help but notice though during Michael's ordering experience there were two gentlemen, workers, who were about to have a knockdown drag out fight.  Very entertaining yet no physical contact was made!

I really do enjoy it here in Saudi Arabia.  I am intrigued by the culture rather than offended.  I am very eager to learn about their way of life.  I never feel fearful or nervous when I am out on the town and in a sense it almost feels as if I've been here before. I mean this because I am not shocked or surprised much by anything I just shrug a shoulder and hmm at some of the new things I experience.  Every time we hit the streets I find a reason to take pictures so I LOVE IT!!!!


  1. For a second there, I thought Darth Vader was in the pool with the kids LOL! I'm glad that you're enjoying your experiences. I'd be terrified instead of intrigued. I guess that's why I'm here and you're there. I do enjoy hearing of your adventures, though!

  2. Thats how I felt about it, eventually youll learn the do's and don'ts. Any American product will be over priced. Amereican made is exspensive. Im so glad you feel safe. I never had any problems. Enjoy , I enjoy your stories. I have fond memories, very few negative ones.

  3. You are totally cracking me up. I should be sleeping, but I'm too entertained by your commentary ;)
